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Multi-source Feedback (MSF)

Whilst several of the other Work-Based Assessments (WpBAs) will require a trainer to assess the trainee’s attitude to the patient, most of the Attitudes, Ethics & Responsibilities (AER) and Communication (C) learning outcomes will be assessed using MSF. (AER8 is actually achieved by taking part in MSF.) The MSF is performed electronically via the online e-Portfolio. The process for obtaining MSF, which is required on an annual basis (at least), is as follows:

  • The trainee identifies 11-15 people who can be approached to give feedback. The recommended combination of assessors, where applicable, should include:

2 consultant clinical supervisors
2 other trainees
1 senior nurse in the operating theatre (if the trainee has been performing surgery)
1 senior nurse in the out-patient department
1 other member of the out-patient staff (nurse/optometrist/orthoptist)
1 medical secretary who has been dealing with the trainee’s work

The remaining contributors can include further consultant supervisors, trainees, allied health professionals (nurses, orthoptists, optometrists), clerical/secretarial/administrative staff and it may sometimes be appropriate to include those with specific roles such as the college tutor, programme director and rota organiser.

  • The trainee enters the details of these chosen assessors into the online e-Portfolio.
  • The list is approved online by the trainee’s Educational Supervisor.
  • The staff on the trainee’s list are contacted by email and asked to complete an online feedback form that will cover the appropriate areas of the curriculum. The trainee will not see individual responses.
  • The results of feedback are collated and a report is produced.
  • The MSF report is sent to the trainee’s Educational Supervisor who arranges to meet with the trainee to discuss the contents and any action required.

MSFs must be initiated at least 6-8 weeks in advance of the ARCP.  All MSFs will close and generate a report either when all assessors have completed it or a month has elapsed, whichever occurs soonest.  MSFs cannot be closed early, regardless of the ARCP date.  A minimum of 11 responses are required to generate a valid report.

The following LO will be assessed using MSF:

Learning Outcome (LO)

(Click here for MSF form)

Typical question Feedback likely from*
Hand hygiene
Follows local guidelines on general cleanliness and avoidance of cross infection MS, AHP
C1 Rapport Establishes a trusting clinical relationship with patients MS, AHP
C2 Listen Listens effectively to patients MS, AHP
C3 Deliver Provides information to patients in an appropriate and sensitive manner MS, AHP
C5 Consent Obtains valid consent in an appropriate manner MS, AHP
C6 Breaking bad news Communicates potentially upsetting information in an appropriate and sensitive manner MS, AHP
C7 Language Makes allowances for difficulties in communication that may affect the patient MS, AHP
C8 Body language Uses body language to good effect in communication MS, AHP, S&C
C10 Professionals Communicates well with clinical and non-clinical colleagues MS, AHP, S&C
The doctor writes notes and dictates letters clearly MS, AHP, S&C
C14 Leave Complies with local policies for the approval of leave and makes appropriate arrangements for cover MS, AHP, S&C
AER1 Compassion Has a compassionate approach to patient care MS, AHP
AER2 Autonomy Respects the patient’s wishes when making clinical decisions MS, AHP
PS1 and AER3 Considerate Behaves in a considerate and sensitive manner towards all patients MS, AHP, S&C
AER4 Empathy Shows appropriate empathy with patients MS, AHP, S&C
AER5 Confidentiality Respects the confidential nature of clinical information obtained from patients MS, AHP, S&C
AER6 Limits Works within the limits of her/his clinical competence MS, AHP
AER7 Help Seeks help and advice from clinical colleagues when appropriate MS, AHP
AER10 Equality Treats all patients equally, avoiding discrimination MS, AHP, S&C
AER12 Legal Practises according to the GMC’s “Duties of a doctor” MS
AER16 Prioritise Prioritises tasks appropriately, ensuring urgent and important matters are dealt with promptly MS, AHP, S&C
AER16 Stress Copes well when under stress MS, AHP, S&C

* Feedback from:

  • MS=medical staff
  • AHP=allied health professional (nurse, optometrist, orthoptists)
  • S&C= secretarial and clerical staff