Communication C10

To assess a patient clinically, in OPD and elsewhere, in particular to:




Learning Outcome

  • Communicate succinctly and effectively with other professionals as appropriate.
  • Use verbal, written and electronic means of communication.
  • Respond to legitimate requests for information in a timely manner.


MSF Portfolio Part 2 FRCOphth 


Feedback likely from: medical staff, Allied Health Professional (nurse, optometrist, orthoptists), secretarial and clerical staff You may be assessed on your letter writing/receiving skills

Target Year of Achievement

Year 1 (annual review)

Related Learning Outcomes

PM12 IH5 AER5 


  • Consider why it is important to communicate effectively with other health care professionals and community social services.
  • Ensure that the patient knows to whom any information will be sent.
  • Employ the requirements “Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation” (SBAR) in communication with fellow professionals.
  • Consider what is required when you communicate with the legal profession in cases of injury or of medical mishap.
  • Discuss the writing of medicolegal reports with a senior colleague and attend a medicolegal workshop.
  • Be efficient in your dealing with written and electronic communication, responding quickly and ensuring that processes are in place so that internal requests you make (e.g. making a patient appointment) are acted upon.
  • Be mindful of who might overhear your verbal communications with colleagues and respond appropriately. A local anaesthetic patient in theatre may be acutely aware of conversations and this should always be kept in mind.


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