Communication C8

To assess a patient clinically, in OPD and elsewhere, in particular to:




Learning Outcome

  • Understand the importance of your own non-verbal communication (body language), especially when you are under pressure, and how this may affect the patient.
  • Be aware of non-verbal clues from patients and carers and respond appropriately.


MSF Portfolio Part 2 FRCOphth 


Feedback likely from: medical staff, Allied Health Professional (nurse, optometrist, orthoptists), secretarial and clerical staff

Target Year of Achievement

Year 1 (annual review)

Related Learning Outcomes


  • Be aware of the power of body language and how it informs much of the opinion gained of you by the patient and vice versa.
  • Consider how much your body language reveals about you and your attitude to the patient.
  • Appreciate and use cues that your patient may employ to extract as much information as you need from a consultation.
  • Continuously develop your skills; reflect on what could have gone better in an interaction, ask a colleague to observe you and feedback, collect patient feedback, collect multisource feedback, consider courses.


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