News & Views

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Gordon Cropper RIP

Gordon Cropper, who was a former member of our Board of Trustees, died in early September. Prior to becoming a Lay Trustee, Gordon was a member of the Lay Advisory Group and was a dedicated and valued member of both our Training Committee and National Recruitment Subcommittee.

An elderly patient with her carer walking down a hospital corridor.

RCOphth responds to government’s elective recovery taskforce plan

The Department of Health and Social Care has today published its Elective recovery taskforce implementation plan. The plan covers England and focuses on ‘increasing the use of independent sector capacity across a broader range of specialties, helping to get NHS waiting times down and ensuring every patient can realise their right to choose where they receive their NHS care’.


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and The College of Optometrists call for the standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services

Currently, there is no standardisation across ophthalmic imaging technologies with the consequence that there is no easy way to exchange digital images between systems. Standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services would ensure that there is interoperability and a seamless interface that allows effective image sharing. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and The College of Optometrists are now calling for the standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services.