Standards & Guidance

Our range of high-quality guidance helps to maintain standards in the planning, practice and commissioning of patient care. Our clinical guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations across all aspect of care or of eye conditions; Concise Practice Points make recommendations for less frequent and targeted clinical situations, succinctly describing the scientific and clinical evidence alongside expert input to enhance clinician and patient decision making. Our Commissioning guidance supports eye units to develop services to meet local population needs.

Commissioning Guidance - Age Related Macular Degeneration Services

This guidance is intended for use by commissioners, providers, social care, and users of the AMD services, including their families and carers. The guidance sets out the principles and recommended minimum standards of care for AMD to decrease variations of care across AMD services in England and Wales. This is based on best practice, the latest available evidence and is in line with published NICE guidance including NG 82 and associated Technology Appraisals

Cataract Surgery in patients living with Dementia

Cataract surgery in patients with dementia is recognised as a complex area of decision-making and peri-operative considerations. In the UK, there are over 850,000 people living with dementia, set to rise to 1.5 million people by 2040 and is now a recognised worldwide public health priority. This Concise Practice Point highlights the importance in providing cataract surgery to dementia patients and aims to assist ophthalmologists in designing systems to appropriately manage and consent these patients.