
The RCOphth e-Portfolio provides trainees and supervisors on the Ophthalmic Specialist Training Programme a system to record progress and facilitate assessment during training.

The ePortfolio is a flexible, user-friendly system adapted from the one used by the RCGP. Trainee ophthalmologists use it to record their progress against the learning outcomes defined in the Ophthalmic Specialist Training (OST) Curriculum.  This involves gathering evidence during routine clinical work using electronic assessment tools and supervisor reports.

Features of the ePortfolio

  • The Educational Supervisor Report (ESR) is incorporated within the ePortfolio as an online tool. The system collates information (eg Timetables, Placements, Audits, etc,) for the ESR, which is inputted gradually by the trainee into the ‘My Details’ section as training progresses.
  • The ESR sign off, as well as Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), are completed online, and will automatically show in the ARCP progress view.
  • A diary view on the front page shows trainees and supervisors when evidence has been created so that it is easier to avoid bunching of assessments.
  • The ‘Sticky Notes’ feature enables trainees to make notes about tasks that they need to complete. These are free-text entries and are not reviewed at the ARCP meeting; they could include uploading a piece of evidence when the trainee gets home, sending an assessment request, updating their logbook, or even arranging a team building event!
  • The Progress per OST Stage (‘traffic-light’) grid shows how the trainee is progressing through the curriculum. This will assist with identifying targeted learning, and ensure that the trainee’s skills outside of their direct clinical practice are also developed.
  • The grid uses a progress bar to display the current progress clearly.
  • All evidence is presented in the current ARCP period, with assessments done in advance of their deadline highlighting good achievement from trainees. All evidence should be attributed to the year in which it was gathered, which will enable active trainees to demonstrate that they are working ahead of the current requirements for their level, and will show development over the curriculum.

Login to the ePortfolio

Help using the ePortfolio

Comprehensive documents  on how to use the ePortfolio and learn about its functions are stored on the FourteenFish platform.

If you have any questions about the e-Portfolio, please contact the Education and Training department at [email protected] .

Quick access to support for ophthalmologists in training

There are lots of guidance, events and support materials for trainees.