eye examination

For patients

The resources and information we provide for patients should not replace advice given by medical and other healthcare professionals supporting patients and their eye care programme.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists works with regulatory health bodies, heath services and charities within the eye sector. We lead on recommendations and guidance, based on research and evidence, for the best patient outcomes.  We provide FAQs and patient leaflets to help you understand more about eye diseases, and what those involved in the management of eye care do.

We do not provide clinical advice as that is best managed by the health care professional or consultant that you are seeing.

Patient services during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists works with other medical and healthcare professionals to advise on the highest standards of patient services in ophthalmology.

Our members are the eye doctors that manage the diagnosis and management of a treatment programme to preserve or improve the sight of patients.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many ophthalmology departments had to manage reduced services during lockdown, in line with government and public health advice.  Services continued to put in place measures to manage those patients at high risk to avoid sight loss. The NHS health system is beginning to restore and transform services, and ophthalmology will continue to use virtual and face to face appointments to maintain accessible patient eye services. Visit our COVID-19 resources page and stay in touch with eye sector charities for further advice, which can be found at Sight Advice FAQs.