Health Education England launches new ‘Genomics in Ophthalmology’ film

  • 16 Jan 2019
  • RCOphth

The Genomics Education Programme (GEP), run by Health Education England (HEE), has launched a new resource for ophthalmologists and others involved in the delivery of ophthalmology services.

Graeme Black, Professor of Genetics and Ophthalmology at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital has collaborated with HEE on the film. He explains how the use of genomics to find a precise diagnosis for a patient can help inform their treatment and the management of their condition, as well as determining whether other family members should be tested.

The GEP’s ‘Genomics in Medical Specialties’ series looks at the impact of genomics across different disciplines in medicine, with a focus on the way in which new technology and rapidly increasing knowledge are changing the way we work and the ways in which patients are treated and cared for.

The new resource comprises a short film and accompanying information covering key facts and uses, with case study examples, and can be viewed at the GEP website.