Join us at the SAS 13th National Eye Meeting – 25th November 2022

  • 14 Oct 2022
  • RCOphth

This year’s SAS National Eye Meeting, which is organised by The RCOphth Staff and Associate Specialist Ophthalmologists Group, will take place in person at the College on 25th November 2022. The one-day seminar will cover a wide range of topics that SAS doctors may encounter in their day-to-day clinical practice. Ophthalmology specialists and allied health professionals, including Professor Konstantinos Balaskas, Moorfields and UCL, Mr David Burton, York, Dr Azza Hussein, Moorfields, Dr Haidar Al-hakim, Mr Shankar Chappiti, Wolverhampton and Dr Rosina Hassan Zakri, East Kent, will discuss a range of subjects from artificial intelligence in AMD, to glaucoma care, hypnosis and SAS as a viable career.

The seminar is an opportunity to not only hear from experts in their specialist areas but also to network and discuss with colleagues, from across the UK, the important issues affecting SAS ophthalmologists.

The RCOphth SAS Group is an integral part of the work of the College, in promoting RCOphth support and opportunities for continuing professional development; autonomous working; opportunities for training and career progression. SAS doctors make an enormous contribution to delivering care in the NHS and the College continues to support and establish the influence of SAS ophthalmologists within its membership. This includes endorsing experienced ophthalmologists who can become Fellows of the RCOphth. More information about the event and how to register is available on the College website here: SAS 13th National Eye Meeting | The Royal College of Ophthalmologists ( For more information, visit SAS Doctors