News & Views

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RCOphth completes Specialty Specific Guidance for New GMC Standard

From Thursday 30 November, the standard that CESR applications are assessed against will change from Equivalence to CCT to Knowledge, Skills, and Experience (KSE), required for practising as an eligible specialist in the UK. The process will change from CESR and will be known as the Portfolio Route.


Keeler Scholars announced

The Keeler Scholarship 2022 has been jointly awarded to Jared Ching and Arthur Okonkwo. The biennial award, sponsored by Keeler Limited, is made to College fellows, members or affiliates to enable them to study, research or acquire special skills, knowledge or experience to benefit ophthalmology in the UK.


Gordon Cropper RIP

Gordon Cropper, who was a former member of our Board of Trustees, died in early September. Prior to becoming a Lay Trustee, Gordon was a member of the Lay Advisory Group and was a dedicated and valued member of both our Training Committee and National Recruitment Subcommittee.

Detailed eye health data highlights local trends and need for further resourcing

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (formerly Public Health England) has published a refreshed Vision profile detailing eye health data up to 2021/22. This updated profile provides a useful tool for clinicians to compare patient profiles and unit performance across a range of metrics, compare that to regional and national data and potentially make the case for the appropriate resourcing of their ophthalmology services.


Applications are invited for the new Chandra Award

Girish Chandra came from modest beginnings in India to further his ophthalmic career in the UK in the 1960’s. He subsequently worked in numerous countries in North America and Asia. He recognises that the chance to train in the UK is a valuable and cherished opportunity, and he hopes that this award will facilitate this for future ophthalmologists.


RCOphth evidence to COVID inquiry calls for better planning, coordination and consultation in future public health emergencies

We have provided evidence to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), which is responding to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry on behalf of all members. RCOphth Policy Advisor David Murray summarises the key points from our response, which recommends four actions to ensure UK ophthalmology services are resilient and able to deliver sufficient patient care and training opportunities during and after the acute stage of a future pandemic.