SAS doctors should be offered improved opportunities to act as mentors/mentees, which support personal and professional development of doctors at all stages of their career. The SAS doctor development guide, NHS England’s SAS induction checklist and NHS Scotland’s SAS induction checklist and most Colleges recommend mentorship for SAS when they are appointed to a new post, but this rarely happens in practice. This statement outlines how opportunities for SAS to be mentored and act as mentors could be improved at national and local level.
Dr Swetha Maddula Batambuze is the new Chair of the RCOphth subcommittee for SAS doctors and is a Specialty Doctor at Northwest Anglia, NHS Foundation Trust, Peterborough. The statement can be found on the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges website.
I am delighted to share that the SAS workforce and mentoring statement has been approved by the AoMRC Council. The committee was once again commended for the excellent suite of documents it has produced.