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Eye to Eye Podcast

BAME doctors in Ophthalmology

In this episode with speak with Mr. Saurabh Jain, a Consultant Ophthalmologist as well as the Training Programme Director for North London and the Clinical Lead for Ophthalmology for the Royal Free Hospital in London. We discuss his experience of coming to the UK, the level of diversity in Ophthalmology in the UK and what needs to be done to improve equality and diversity within our specialty and medicine in general.

Eye to Eye Podcast

The true impact of COVID-19 on Ophthalmologists in Training

In this episode we hear from Mariantonia Ferrara a Medical and Surgical Retina Fellow from Newcastle and Kerr Brogan, a Glaucoma Fellow from Glasgow, about the results from surveys that they conducted during the pandemic that investigated the impact of COVID-19 on Ophthalmologists in Training. Kirthi Varo, the Chair of the Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG) then shares with us an overview of the role of the OTG and its importance during these challenging times.


Congress 2020

In 2020 the college decided to postpone the Annual Congress due to the COVID19 pandemic. Sunil Mamtora, an ophthalmologist in training and host of the Eye to Eye podcast, recorded a Special Series of episodes called “The Congress that wasn’t”. These include talks from speakers that were due to present at the 2020 Congress.

Eye to Eye Podcast

'The Congress that wasn’t' episode 3

In 'The Congress that wasn’t' episode 3 we speak with Professor Uday Devgan, the renowned Ophthalmic educator, discussing tips for junior cataract surgeons and for maintaining your skills during extended periods without operating. We then spoke with Chris Way and Nick Maycock, two abstract holders, about their work.