Help identify the grand challenges in global eye health
Matthew Burton and Jacqueline Ramke would like to invite RCOphth members to take part in a study which aims to identify the “grand challenges” in global eye health.
Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.
Matthew Burton and Jacqueline Ramke would like to invite RCOphth members to take part in a study which aims to identify the “grand challenges” in global eye health.
At the RCOphth’s annual Admission Ceremony on Friday 6 September 2019 the College awarded two Honorary Fellowships to Professor Usha Chakravarthy and Professor Carrie MacEwen.
Successfully completing another year of data collection from across 70% of eligible NHS trusts in England and Wales, the third prospective NOD Audit report on cataract surgery during 2017 – 2018 is published today.
Applications are now open for the 2020 John Lee Primer Fellowship Award, presented in partnership with Fight for Sight. The award is open to trainee ophthalmologists who are members of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, to support the pursuit of ophthalmic and vision research.
The first stage of the election for the next President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has commenced. Eligible members in good standing, who have served for at least one year on Council are now able to nominate themselves as a candidate for the role.
Members of the College are invited to submit nominations for Honorary Fellowships for 2020. The award of Honorary Fellow is the highest accolade that the College can bestow. It recognises those who have made a significant contribution to the field of ophthalmology.
The RCOpth is a stakeholder of the Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC), an independent advisory body providing evidence-based national clinical leadership, advice and guidance to policy makers in health, social care and public health, and those commissioning and providing eye health services in England.
In 2019, the Annual Congress took place at SEC, Glasgow for the first time in 20 years. Here are some highlights from the four-day event.
Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare has worked with The Royal College of Ophthalmologists to develop two new sessions that have been added to the Eye-Site e-learning programme.
RCOphth’s Driving Standards Representative to the DVLA, Ian Pearce, welcomes the safety report and action plan from the DT published on 19 July.