News & Views

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Work to identify capacity challenges and explore solutions in paediatric ophthalmology enters next stage

In November 2022, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Paediatric Sub-committee held a series of focus groups to explore the challenges facing paediatric eye care and identify possible solutions to secure the future of the workforce. Following the conclusion of these focus groups, the RCOphth has produced ‘Improving the visibility of paediatric ophthalmology: A workforce report‘ detailing key findings


RCOphth Congress 2024 - Congress session proposal

The 2024 Congress will take place at the ICC, Belfast from 20 – 23  May 2024 and will be fully in person, with talks available on demand after the meeting. The College are looking for suggestions for parallel sessions. These can be 60 or 90 minutes and can cover any aspect of ophthalmology. We are particularly looking for sessions that cover the latest research, innovations or treatments and have something new to say. Topics can cover any aspect of ophthalmology, whether a broad overview of a subspecialty or a narrower focus on a particular disease.


Clinical Audit Awareness Week

This week (19 – 23 June) is Clinical Audit Awareness Week, a national annual campaign that promotes and celebrates the impact of clinical audits in healthcare. RCOphth runs the world renowned National Ophthalmology Database Audit and is recognised by clinicians, NICE, GIRFT and industry as an important safety and research tool that is used to audit the treatment of cataracts and recently has added the potentially blinding disease of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) to its work.


RCOphth and Ulverscroft Foundation announce winner of the 2023 Ulverscroft David Owen Prize

RCOphth would like to congratulate Dr Ian MacCormick, clinical lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, and his senior author Simon Harding from the University of Liverpool, for winning the Ulverscroft David Owen prize for the best-published paper titled: “How does blood-retinal barrier breakdown relate to death and disability in pediatric cerebral malaria?”