News & Views

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Ophthalmology and Optometry: Our vision for safe and sustainable patient eye care services in England during and beyond COVID-19

With the pandemic continuing to affect the way primary and secondary eye care services are provided for patients in England, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) and The College of Optometrists have developed a joint vision to support our workforce and the commissioning of safe and sustainable eye care services that meet the needs of all patients, improving patient care and outcomes during and beyond the pandemic.


AoMRC and RCOphth urge patients to seek medical treatment for other medical conditions during COVID-19

A statement from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) has recommended patients ‘not to hold back’ from seeking medical treatment for other conditions during the Covid19 epidemic. The statement also recommends the public must be fully confident that they can and should, seek medical assistance if they have symptoms which cause concern, or they already are being treated for a serious health condition.