The RCOphth is still at work on behalf of our members
Whilst we have shut our doors at Stephenson Way temporarily, the teams of College officers and staff are still working hard on behalf of members. Here’s some of the activities we are leading on.
Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.
Whilst we have shut our doors at Stephenson Way temporarily, the teams of College officers and staff are still working hard on behalf of members. Here’s some of the activities we are leading on.
RCOphth President’s latest reflection of the impact of COVID-19.
For just the one time this year, the College News - April Edition has been produced as a PDF, rather than the normal printed magazine.
In this episode we spoke with Anthony Khawaja, a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London. We talked about the genetic basis of glaucoma, genetic testing and personalising the management of glaucoma.
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists welcomes the new COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Service specification (CUES). It provides clarity on the management of eye patients in the community.
RCOphth would like to congratulate Amy Gerrish and her co-authors from Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust for winning the Ulverscroft David Owen prize for best published paper in paediatric ophthalmology research over the last three years.
Health Education England (HEE) has expressed concern about the service pressures that trainees and in particular, young clinical academics may find themselves in during the Covid 19 emergency. HEE recognises that the available levels of supervision and support in the clinical service may not meet previously expected levels.
A statement from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) has recommended patients ‘not to hold back’ from seeking medical treatment for other conditions during the Covid19 epidemic. The statement also recommends the public must be fully confident that they can and should, seek medical assistance if they have symptoms which cause concern, or they already are being treated for a serious health condition.
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected the provision of eye care in primary and secondary care. Measures currently in place to protect people from acquiring the infection will undoubtedly lead to vision loss that, in normal circumstances, would have been preventable.
During these unprecedented times, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists will continue to deliver and manage its services to members where feasible. This includes the NOD Audit, which will continue to be managed by the NOD team and in liaison with trusts and surgeons.