This consultation seeks views on the proposed RCOphth Cataract Workforce Guidance. The cataract workforce group was set up to quantify the demand for cataract surgery over the next 10 years and define the workforce required to meet this demand in a sustainable way in response to increasing vacancies for eye consultants in the UK in 2018, and the need for clarity on how to address the problem.
Over the last nine months, the group has worked to produce guidance that aims to facilitate streamlining the cataract referral pathways and help implement the pathways at a local level. The guidance builds on the GIRFT report for ophthalmology, which identified the need to implement more efficient pathways and effective use of the multidisciplinary team.
Workforce Calculator Webinar
The guidance is accompanied by a workforce calculator to enable accurate planning in the context of local pathways and staffing. The calculator will be demonstrated during our consultation webinar at 18.00 – 19.30, 10 December 2020. This free webinar invites views on the latest cataract workforce guidance from The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Register for the webinar here.
Cataract Workforce Guidance Consultation
We would like your feedback on the draft guidance relating to:
- The comprehensiveness and applicability of the guidance, have any points/factors have been missed?
- The content and clarity of the guidance and its suitability to different environments
- The interpretation of the evidence available to support its recommendations
- The likely impact on patient groups affected by the guidance
- The likely impact/ability of the health service to implement the recommendations will individuals/departments will attempt to follow the guidance – if so, why? And if not, why not?
Comments on the calculator would be very helpful (the calculator will be presented during the webinar on 10 December 2020).
How to return your feedback
You can provide your feedback by accessing the Cataract Workforce Guidance Consultation and Cataract Workforce Guidance Consultation Form. Please return your feedback to [email protected].
Closing date: 8 January 2021.