Electronic Medical Records standards for UK ophthalmology services
Explores the components integral a good Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to support eye care and is particularly relevant to those organisations making procurement decisions.
Our range of high-quality guidance helps to maintain standards in the planning, practice and commissioning of patient care. Our clinical guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations across all aspect of care or of eye conditions; Concise Practice Points make recommendations for less frequent and targeted clinical situations, succinctly describing the scientific and clinical evidence alongside expert input to enhance clinician and patient decision making. Our Commissioning guidance supports eye units to develop services to meet local population needs.
Explores the components integral a good Electronic Medical Record (EMR) to support eye care and is particularly relevant to those organisations making procurement decisions.
This document, based on published evidence and consensus expert opinion, is designed to indicate how EMRs can be expected to best support the aims of the Royal College and its members in providing high quality ophthalmic care.
This document intends to provide a glossary and basic introduction to the multiple facets of healthcare informatics and provides references for further reading.
This document intends to provide a glossary and basic introduction to the multiple facets of healthcare informatics and provides references for further reading.
All doctors have a duty to understand, and participate in delivering quality, safety and clinical governance in modern healthcare as described in the General Medical Council’s (GMC’s) Good Medical Practice Domain 2. This document aims to provide a simple overview of the principles and practice of clinical effectiveness and clinical audit for ophthalmologists.