News & Views

Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.


SAS as educators

The SAS as educators paper, approved at the last Academy Council meeting, has now been published on our website.


‘Top tips’ for new consultants

Are you an experienced consultant? What do you now wish you had known when you first qualified? We’d like to hear your ‘Top tips’. We’re asking experienced consultants to share one piece of advice with new consultants as we open bookings for our training course for new consultants.

Eye to Eye Podcast

How to write a text book

In this episode we speak with Venki Sundaram, a Consultant Ophthalmologist working at the Luton & Dunstable University Hospital. We talk about the journey he took in creating and curating the well known textbook 'Training in Ophthalmology' as well as tips and suggestions for those who might want to write their own book in the future.

Eye to Eye Podcast

The Future of Surgical Simulation in Ophthalmology

In this episode we speak with David Lockington, one of the newly appointed simulation leads at the college and Jennifer Hind, the trainee simulation lead for the West of Scotland. We speak about their experiences of setting up their own simulation lab in Glasgow, their perceptions on the importance of simulation training and what the future might hold in the world of simulated ocular surgery.