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Apply for the prestigious Glaucoma UK Ophthalmology Research Award 2022

The purpose of this research award is to facilitate research into the improvement of the management of glaucoma. Applicants may be trainees seeking support for a fellowship or senior researchers seeking a grant for a project. Applications are invited from departments and individuals based in the UK and Ireland, but the research studies may be carried out elsewhere.


Rare Disease Day: 28 February 2022

Monday 28 February is Rare disease day, a day for raising awareness and generating change for the 300 million people worldwide living with a rare disease, their families and carers. This year the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit will celebrate 25 years of rare disease surveillance so today seemed a good opportunity to recognise how this globally unique research unit has impacted the treatment and management of many rare eye conditions. The BOSU has supported over 80 high impact studies of excellent quality that have broadened knowledge and understanding and brought benefit for patients across ophthalmic subspecialties and demographics.