News & Views

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RCOphth welcomes parliamentary inquiry emphasising need for better planning, transparency and impact assessments to bring down backlogs

RCOphth welcomes the recommendations from the Public Accounts Committee inquiry report ‘Managing NHS backlogs & waiting times in England’ as a positive step in focusing efforts to tackle backlogs, especially where the Committee has taken on board evidence from our submission. This article summarises key recommendations from the report and their relevance for ophthalmology services, while outlining what further measures the College believes are needed to bring down ophthalmology backlogs.


NEW! EDI Consultant/SAS Lead and Trainee Deputy Lead roles – develop RCOphth EDI policy and activities

The College recognises the increasing interest from members to develop a more proactive and visible approach to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). We know that there are many positives to celebrate and we can continue to improve and develop more opportunities to support a fully diverse ophthalmic workforce at all career stages to succeed and thrive. We are now seeking to recruit a Consultant or senior SAS doctor Lead and a Trainee Deputy Lead to strategically drive and develop the role of the EDI committee for the RCOphth and its members.


GMC Statement:- Tackling differential attainment and supporting progression

This week, the GMC has published the latest data on the progression of doctors in postgraduate medical education across the UK. You can access the data via the reporting tool. The GMC has also produced a summary report. Tackling barriers that exist in medical education must remain an urgent priority for organisations across the UK’s health services, including all of us with responsibilities for postgraduate training. Fair and supportive training is not only key to the quality of medical education and practice, it’s also vital to help retain healthcare professionals in the UK.


Reverse Mentoring in the RCOphth - January – July 2022

Following a successful pilot of a ‘Reverse mentoring program on lived experiences due to race’ conducted by Health Education England where trainees were paired with Deans and Heads of School in Yorkshire and Humber, we proposed a similar scheme to the executive committee of the RCOphth. The committee were immediately interested in working towards empowering ethnic minority Ophthalmic colleagues/community to overcome the perceived barriers that contribute towards differential attainment.


NHS England publishes guidance on reducing ‘did not attends’ in outpatient services

NHS England has published guidance detailing how trusts can reduce instances of ‘did not attends’ (DNAs) for outpatient appointments. RCOphth Policy Advisor David Murray summarises what’s in the guidance, how it might affect ophthalmology services and what else is needed to tackle outpatient backlogs in ophthalmology.


2023 National Clinical Impact Awards Round

The Advisory Committee on Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) has confirmed on their website that the 2023 awards round will commence as planned in March 2023, with a provisional opening date of Friday 3 March. The application window will be open for approximately 8 weeks, closing in late April or early May.


Applications open on 12th June 2023 for the first ever Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examination in Athens, Greece.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is pleased to announce that their prestigious Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examination will be held in Athens, Greece for the first time in October 2023. This marks the first time that the Part 2 FRCOphth Oral exam will be available to sit on the European mainland, enabling candidates in European and neighbouring countries to sit the exam closer to home.