Moving to your new ePortfolio

The old e-Portfolio was switched off at 5pm on 31 July 2024.

All users, including doctors in non-training posts and trainees who have chosen to finish their training on the 2010 curriculum, are transferring to the new ePortfolio platform.

Many of you have been in contact with the RCOphth with queries about moving to the new ePortfolio. We understand that moving to a new platform can be a confusing process – and that there are bound to be queries and teething problems. We are continually updating the advice and guidance on the website to help you in this transition – and will do our best to deal with your queries, either via [email protected] or [email protected].

FourteenFish have asked us to emphasise that all issues relating to the new ePortfolio should be raised with their Helpdesk, not with the RCOphth. They are in the best position to help, and it is important that each case is logged. Their Service Level Agreement requires them to respond within 5 days, but the majority of issues will be dealt with well before then. If after 5 days you have had no response, please then escalate to [email protected] or [email protected], including the FourteenFish case reference.

Below are Frequently Asked Questions which you are encouraged to view to see if your particular query can be answered. This is being continually updated.





I am a trainee

You will have received emails from a company called FourteenFish, which is our ePortfolio provider.

The first email told you what would happen, the second one invited you to set up your account. Your account is set up once you have set your password and multi-factored authentication (MFA) credentials. This then notifies the FourteenFish team to link your account to their system.

Please note this manual process may take a number of days so do not be alarmed if your portfolio is not available to view immediately. Once your portfolio has been linked by the FourteenFish team, you will get a final confirmation – from FourteenFish –  that you are all set up.

After that point you can proceed to:

  • Invite your educational supervisor, and they can then create their own account. Your ES will not able to view your portfolio until you invite them.
  • Go to the Curriculum Catch-up area on your portfolio and complete the required steps.

This is a one-off exercise and only specific documents need to be uploaded.  You will not need to manually upload all the evidence for your completed competencies. The table below sets out what you need to do. There are how-to guides on the FourteenFish Help page on this process for both curricula which you can only access after you are fully registered.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk.

Item If you are moving to Curriculum 2024 If you are staying on Curriculum 2010
Curriculum Transition Checklists 

All Curriculum Transition Checklists (CTCs) used to establish gaps in training before discussing transition plans with educational teams must be signed by the relevant ES. CTCs may not have been needed in all instances – please refer to the transition aids for details.

Yes No
Level Intention Form

It was mandatory to complete the Level Intention Form (LIF) before the summer ARCP to agree the appropriate level of training at the transition point (August 2024). The LIF must be validated by both ES and TPD with real signatures. 

Yes No
ST6/7 and ST4-7 cumulative core competencies

If you are not transferring to Curriculum 2024, you should compile a list of ST6/7 and ST4-7 cumulative core competences which show as outstanding in your existing traffic-light grid, accompanied by a screen-capture of the relevant tabs – please contact [email protected] if you do not have this.

No Yes
Examination result letters/emails

An email or letter is issued by the Examinations department after each sitting. If old correspondence is unavailable, a screenshot of the legacy Exam Results tab – accompanied by a brief explanation – will suffice. The aim is to make exam result records immediately available to your educational team.

Yes Yes

The aim is to give educational teams immediate access to key information and to inform early discussions with the ES.  This is because a technical delay with the transfer of your data to the new ePortfolio means that all previous evidence is not immediately visible.  We are working with both IT providers to ensure the transfer is completed successfully and will confirm timelines soon.

The catch-up button is presented with a set of instructions, which you must follow.

If you are staying on the old curriculum, the system will ask you tag uploaded items to learning outcomes. We suggest concentrating on the core domains (Clinical Assessment, Practical Skills and Surgical Skills) and ticking the relevant learning outcomes (ST4-7 stages) you have already completed, which will then partially populate the horseshoe/circle.  Nothing will stop you from selecting other learning outcomes from other domains, but it is not a necessity.

If you have transferred to Level 3 or 4 of the new curriculum, you are not expected to add the body of documentation confirming that you progressed as expected in the early part of your training (i.e. Level 1 and 2).  However, the system does require everyone to add some Level 1 and 2 documents simply to proceed with the next steps.  Any summary paper listing, for example, your earlier ARCP outcomes, will suffice.  You do not need to revisit old ground or provide retrospective evidence.  This means that your Level 1 and 2 horseshoe/circle will never look as fully completed.  That is not an issue at all, and we are refining our online guidance to make educational teams aware of this.

What really is important is to upload the signed Intended Level Form and Curriculum Transition Checklists, and to tick off all Level 3 areas as appropriate as proof that the level transfer was endorsed by your educational team.

Regarding examinations, legacy results also need to populate the Curriculum Catch-up section.  If you are missing results emails or letters, you can upload the screengrab from your old portfolio instead. Future results will be added by College staff.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk.

You must pay your first subscription fee.  We cannot give you access to our platforms until the enrolment process has been completed in full.

Once we receive confirmation from the Membership Department that all is in order, your Eye Logbook registration will be approved and your details will be shared with FourteenFish.  They will then send you instructions to create your portfolio account. Please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk if the delay is longer than two weeks.

The ePortfolio providers, FourteenFish, will add the dates in by mid-to-end November 2024. The delay is due to the need to make some adjustments to the software. Going forward, the CCT date will be automatically updated as part of the ARCP process.

Please raise a ticket with the FourteenFish Helpdesk, along with a screenshot. This will help them understand what is going on and hopefully resolve the issue.

The system should have been set up to offer a comprehensive directory of Learning Logs for both curricula.  FourteenFish is working to fix this discrepancy.

If you have moved to the new curriculum and no other logs are available, please use the Reflection section for time being.

Any evidence relevant to the portfolio transfer must be uploaded to the Curriculum Catch-up area.


I am a trainee or a doctor in a non-training post

An issue with the software means that the content of your old portfolio is not currently visible.  We are working to transfer data and will keep you updated on progress.  No loss of data has occurred.

If you downloaded your old portfolio before August for personal record keeping, please do not try to upload it to the new ePortfolio – we will do this for you as soon as it is technically feasible.

All previous exam results will not be visible for quite some time due to ongoing development work with the new platform.

As part of the Curriculum Catch-up process, you should upload all result emails sent to you by the Examinations department after each sitting. If correspondence is unavailable, and you did not take a screenshot of the Exam Results tab from the old system before August, please email [email protected] for assistance.


Please contact [email protected] and we will do our best to help you.  We are receiving many requests, so please bear with us.

Please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk and use the ‘RCOphth’ option on the form.  You might not get an immediate reply at such a busy time.  RCOphth staff can’t assist you directly with this.

In the meantime, you may download the Word version of the new assessment tools, complete them with your assessor(s) and then remember to transcribe the information online once your new account has been set up correctly. If you need forms for the 2010 curriculum, you can download the Word version from here.

Please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk, use the ‘RCOphth’ option on the form and provide as much information as possible.

Please bear with FourteenFish – working through the manual account set-up process takes time. If you still haven’t had the email to register after two weeks, please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk and copy to [email protected].

If you are on the old curriculum, you can download all assessment forms from the OST Curriculum 2010 microsite here:

If you are on the new curriculum, you can download all assessment forms, including the new assessments, from the OST Curriculum 2024 microsite here:

You can complete them with your assessors and then  transcribe the information online once your new portfolio account has been set up.


All your details were shared with FourteenFish. You should check your spam/junk folder to see if the invitation email is there. If it is not, please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk and copy to [email protected].

I am an assessor

If you were registered as an assessor in the old system, you will not need to create a new account. Trainees and doctors in non-training posts will be able to email you direct links to assessment forms.

I am an educational supervisor

Your invitation will come from your trainee/s, not from the ePortfolio provider (FourteenFish) as the system requires trainees to invite you to join. Once you’ve received the invitation, follow the steps to create your account, and you will then be able to view your trainees’ portfolios.

There will be nothing to see in the new ePortfolio until your trainees, whether existing or new, create their own account.

It is the responsibility of your trainees to invite you to access their account. You will not receive a separate invite from FourteenFish.

It may take a few weeks to get full access in place but meetings with new OST1s can still take place. You can see the new OST Curriculum here.

Visit the curriculum microsite for quick access to specific sections of the curriculum documentation.

I am a training programme director, college tutor or regional educational advisor

You will have had an email from FourteenFish asking you to register and set up your password. Once you are set up, they will send you further communication.

It may take a few weeks for you to see the trainee portfolios. This is due to the one-off manual portfolio creation process.

Trainees will not need to invite TPDs, CTs or REAs to view their portfolio. Once trainee accounts have been created, the FourteenFish support team will manually link the relevant TPD/CT/REA accounts to their trainee portfolios.  TPDs, CTs or REAs will not be able to view trainee portfolios until the accounts have been fully linked to the new platform.

I am a named clinical supervisor

As named clinical supervisor (NCS) your role is only to complete EPAs in your Special Interest Area (SIA). You are not supposed to access trainee portfolios as a whole but only need to see the evidence that the trainee is presenting to support their relevant EPA. You will  receive direct requests to complete EPAs, similar to any other assessor completing a, say, DOPS or OSATS.

I am a consultant without an education role

Please see the separate page on the CPD diary on the website here which explains the situation.