News & Views

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Membership of the National Cataract Audit Advisory Group – Open Call

We are seeking applications for ophthalmologist representatives from the RCOphth membership. As an Advisory Group member, you will support the Clinical Lead and Project manager in developing the national cataract audit. The National Ophthalmology Database Audit (NOD) is internationally renowned as an exemplar of high quality audit that produces results in positive outcomes for patients and the profession. The NOD Cataract audit aims to prospectively collect, collate and analyse a standardised, nationally agreed dataset from all centres providing cataract surgery in the United Kingdom.


RCOphth Strategic Plan 2020 – 2022

The new RCOphth Strategic Plan 2020-2022 directs and prioritises key policy and campaign activities over the next three years. The way NHS care is provided and the treatments available to improve patients’ lives have changed almost beyond recognition since our charter first set out our obligations as a medical royal college in 1988.


Member statement on annual allowance pension tax changes

For ‘reasons of urgent operational necessity’, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, has released a statement confirming commitments for payments to clinicians affected by annual allowance pension tax will be honoured when clinicians retire.


RCOphth elects a new President

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is pleased to announce that Bernie Chang has been voted in as the next president. Mike Burdon will officially hand over the office of president at the AGM at Congress in May 2020.