Our year in highlights
As 2024 draws to a close we reflect on the year and share some of our highlights.
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As 2024 draws to a close we reflect on the year and share some of our highlights.
The 2024 winner of the Dr Sadhu Ram Gupta MBE Award for International (non-UK) Examination Candidates is Dr Cheuk Ling Yim from Hong Kong.
Three ophthalmologists, based in Wales, Gloucestershire and London, are to receive a total of £73,000 in research funding from the 2024/25 Zakarian Award, which the College supports in partnership with Fight for Sight.
College President Ben Burton today presented diplomas to more than 150 new Fellows at this year’s Admissions Ceremony.
Applications are now open for a £6,000 research bursary to support an ophthalmologist in training to undertake an epidemiological study of a rare eye condition through the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU).
The prestigious Zakarian Awards, which promote the value of research for all, are now open for submissions. Jointly funded by the College and Fight for Sight/Vision Foundation these awards are for early-career ophthalmologists to gain experience and skills by undertaking ophthalmic and vision research, which could lead onto further research or funding opportunities. Three ophthalmologists will receive a grant of up to £25,000 to conduct research over a 12-month period.
This year’s Ulverscroft David Owen Award recipients are Dr Siegfried Karl Wagner and colleagues, for their study ‘Development and international validation of custom engineered and code-free deep-learning models for detection of plus disease in retinopathy of prematurity’.
We are now inviting applications for this postgraduate research award, a collaboration between the College and Glaucoma UK, which provides up to £100,000 to facilitate research into glaucoma.
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is delighted to announce the continuation of the Ulverscroft David Owen Awards. The Ulverscroft Foundation gives financial help to Universities which carry out research into the causes of eye diseases; funds eye clinics, hospitals, schools, libraries and other organisations which help visually impaired people.
The Keeler Scholarship 2022 has been jointly awarded to Jared Ching and Arthur Okonkwo. The biennial award, sponsored by Keeler Limited, is made to College fellows, members or affiliates to enable them to study, research or acquire special skills, knowledge or experience to benefit ophthalmology in the UK.