News & Views

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Abusive Head Trauma and the Eye – Membership Consultation

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists have, through a guideline development group (GDG) chaired by Mr Patrick Watts, produced a clinical guideline on Abusive Head Trauma and the Eye. A draft version of this guideline has now been released for consultation and the College would welcome any comments or observations on the content, format or recommendations.


NHS England publishes guidance on reducing ‘did not attends’ in outpatient services

NHS England has published guidance detailing how trusts can reduce instances of ‘did not attends’ (DNAs) for outpatient appointments. RCOphth Policy Advisor David Murray summarises what’s in the guidance, how it might affect ophthalmology services and what else is needed to tackle outpatient backlogs in ophthalmology.


RCOphth continues to help shape the development of cataract pathways in Scotland

NHS Scotland is developing plans to support eye units to increase the number of cataracts performed per four-hour session. RCOphth is inputting into this work to ensure the most appropriate pathways are developed and clinicians and eye units receive the support they need. RCOphth Policy Manager Jordan Marshall explains the scope of the work and future timelines.


RCOphth launch new Concise Practice Points

Concise Practice Points (CPP) provide a clear description and appraisal of the scientific evidence and behind clinical recommendations and have an explicit link between the recommendations made and the scientific evidence where high quality scientific and clinical evidence must take precedence over expert judgment.