Our response to NHS England’s new elective reform plan
Professor Ben Burton, President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has commented, following the publication of 'Reforming elective care for patients'
Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.
Professor Ben Burton, President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has commented, following the publication of 'Reforming elective care for patients'
The latest edition of the policy roundup, a series of advocacy updates in which we share our most recent policy and public affairs activities and successes.
This month saw the launch of the National Clinical Strategy for Ophthalmology for Wales. Our Llywydd (lead for the College in Wales) Rhianon Reynolds was instrumental in the strategy’s development. In this exclusive blog she discusses the lessons she learnt from the process and outlines why she thinks the strategy can be valuable for all eye care professionals, not just those working in Wales.
Launched on 14 October, the National Clinical Strategy for Ophthalmology presents a clinically-led case for a new model of eye care across Wales. College Llywydd Rhianon Reynolds, who is also National Clinical lead for Ophthalmology in Wales and a consultant ophthalmologist at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, led on the development of the strategy. Here she highlights 10 facts about the strategy that all College members should be aware of.
Senior Policy and Public Affairs Officer Greg Ellwood-Hughes analyses the implications for ophthalmology services.
The latest edition of the policy roundup, a series of advocacy updates in which we share our most recent policy and public affairs activities and successes.
A new NICE guideline, published this week, covers managing and monitoring diabetic retinopathy – including non-proliferative and proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic macular oedema - in people under the care of hospital eye services
Despite important progress over the last two years, cataract surgery training opportunities in independent sector providers remain limited and in some areas – including the South West of England and London – there is no training at all in the independent sector, insights from our Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG) indicate.
As part of our commitment to advocate for the ophthalmology workforce and foster effective primary and secondary eyecare integration, we co-hosted the annual Parliamentary event, Westminster Eye Health Day, on 11 December. The event, held in collaboration with The Eyes Have It and hosted by Marsha de Cordova MP, aimed to highlight the challenges in eye care services to policymakers and elevate eye care on the political agenda.
President Ben Burton represented College members at an All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Eye Health and Visual Impairment at Westminster on 15 November.