Our response to NHSE's 2025/26 priorities and operational planning guidance
Professor Ben Burton, President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, gives the College view on this guidance, which was published last week.
Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.
Professor Ben Burton, President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, gives the College view on this guidance, which was published last week.
In this blog, College President Ben Burton celebrates some of the College's key wins in 2024 and explores initiatives that we're working on in 2025 to help us achieve our fit-for-purpose healthcare vision.
This month saw the launch of the National Clinical Strategy for Ophthalmology for Wales. Our Llywydd (lead for the College in Wales) Rhianon Reynolds was instrumental in the strategy’s development. In this exclusive blog she discusses the lessons she learnt from the process and outlines why she thinks the strategy can be valuable for all eye care professionals, not just those working in Wales.
Launched on 14 October, the National Clinical Strategy for Ophthalmology presents a clinically-led case for a new model of eye care across Wales. College Llywydd Rhianon Reynolds, who is also National Clinical lead for Ophthalmology in Wales and a consultant ophthalmologist at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, led on the development of the strategy. Here she highlights 10 facts about the strategy that all College members should be aware of.
Read our latest coverage from June-July 2024, which included mentions in the Guardian and Health Service Journal (HSJ). Our active engagement with the media reflects our commitment to raising awareness about critical issues, advocating for reform, and increasing the profile of ophthalmology.
Read our response to the UK general election results on 5 July. Our president, Ben Burton, comments on Labour's victory and the unrivalled opportunity to deliver change and ensure patients receive the timely care they need.
Leading eye care experts have issued a call to the next Government to recognise the unmet needs of more than 2.2 million people across the UK who are currently living with a condition that causes visual impairment or sight loss, and as part of this, to commit to developing a long-awaited national plan for eye care in England.
Policy manager Jordan Marshall shares highlights of two topical discussions at last month's EyeConUK
We are encouraging members to take part in the NHSE outcomes and registries programme, a single registry of implantable devices. We have been working closely with NHSE to provide clinical leadership as the programme develops.
We are today publishing our three-step plan to future-proof NHS ophthalmology and are calling on politicians and policymakers to follow our recommendations to secure a sustainable and comprehensive eyecare service for people across the UK.